USS OBERON RP > Character Submissions/Approvals

Starfleet Personnel File: Lucas Jones Phd.


Mid-level Biography Brief Mode

Serial number: MA076-5221ROM
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Current Assignment: Chief Engineer - U.S.S. Oberon
Portrayed by: Matt Smith
Full Name: Lucas Montgomery Jones, PhD
Date of birth: October 28, 2345
Species: Human, Telepath
Place of birth: Northampton, United Kingdom; Earth
Relatives: Miranda Jones (ancestor, deceased), Thomas Jones (father, classified), Samantha Jones nee Montgomery (mother, classified)
Marital status: Single
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2363-2367, Daystrom Institute of Technology; 2368-2372: Doctorate Theoretical Warp Physics

Starfleet Career Summary
* 2363 - Enters Starfleet Academy: Operations Division; Engineering Major
* 2367 - Graduates Starfleet Academy: Lieutenant Junior Grade. Assigned Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards Defiant Engineering Development Team.
* 2368 - Begins post-graduate studies at Daystrom Institute of Technology, Mars
* 2369 - Awarded the Cochrane Medal of Excellence for contributions to the development of variable warp field geometry
* 2372 - Graduates Daystrom Institute of Technology with Doctorate in Theoretical Warp Physics
* 2373 - Promoted: Lieutenant
* 2376 - Assigned Project: Pathfinder; tasked with dissemination of Voyager Engineering Data
* 2377 - Assigned Project: Full Circle under Admiral Kenneth Montgomery
* 2380 - Accepts appointment as Chief Engineer: U.S.S. Oberon; Promoted: Lieutenant Commander


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