Author Topic: USS Archangel NCC-73901 Technical Specifications  (Read 9239 times)

Offline Exusiai

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USS Archangel NCC-73901 Technical Specifications
« on: May 18, 2009, 09:33:55 pm »
"That goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept" - John F. Kennedy

Advanced Technical Specifications for the Sovereign Class Star Ship
San Francisco Fleet Yards, Earth 

Classification: : Enhanced Deterrence Explorer - Upgraded, Modified
Development Project Started : 2365
Production Start Date: 2373 - Present
Project Full Circle Test Bed Begin: 2378
First Commissioned 2384

Current Starship Identification and Registration Numbers
USS ARCHANGELNCC73901Project Full Circle Upgraded - Active
USS ENDURANCENCC84981Under Construction
USS ENTERPRISENCC1701-ESixth Ship to bear the name - Active
USS INDEPENDENCENCC90346Finishing Initial Trials
USS SOVEREIGNNX 75000Prototype - Active
USS YORKTOWNNCC90276Under Construction

The specifications below are indicative of the USS Archangel's as a Project Full Circle Uprated Vessel, and do not reflect a Typical Sovereign Class Vessel:  This information is classified

Length: 685.3 m
Beam:  250.6 m
Height: 88.2 m
Decks: 24
Displacement Mass: 3,205,000 Metric Tons
Cargo capacity: 58,299 metric tons

Crew : 855
Officer Crew: 130
Enlisted Personnel: 655
Starfleet Marinesl: 70 (2 Platoons)
Civilians: 0
Passengers: 100
Maximum Capacity: 2,500

  • 16 Type XII Collimated Phaser Arrays
(System Contractor: HiBeam Energies; Earth)
  • Four MK 95 Direct-Fire Multi-Load Torpedo Tubes (2 For, 2 Aft)
(Systems Contractor: Loraxiai, Andor)
  • One Mk 95 Quantum Torpedo Launcher: Turret Mounted (Forward Arc)
(Systems Contractor: Loraxial, Andor)
  • Four MK 70 Mod 2 Direct Torpedo Tubes (2 Fore, 2 Aft)
(Systems Contractor: Skat-Rar Weapon Systems, Ezuruk, Andor)
  • 800 Casings

Defensive Systems FSS-M Regenerative Adaptive Primary Force Field and Deflector Control System
(System Contractor: Sylvanesti Shields, Alkara XV / Modified by Project Full Circle, Earth)

Warp Speeds
Warp Engine: Two LF-44 Mod 1 Energized Advanced Linear Antimatter Warp Drive Units
(System Contractor: Cochrane Warp Dynamics, Alpha Centauri V)
Normal Cruise : Warp Factor 7.3
Maximum Cruise : Warp Factor 9.3
Maximum Rated : Warp Factor 9.9 for 12 hours
Impulse Engines: Two FIG-5 Subatomic Unified Energy Impulse Units
(System Contractor: Kloratis Drives, Telar)
Impulse Speeds: .25c at "Full Impulse" Ceiling of .75c
Quantum Slipstream Drive Federation MK III QSD
(System Contractor: Project Full Circle, Earth)
Transwarp Speed Equal to Warp Factor 9.9999 (214 Trillion KPH/ 23.07 LY/H).
Transwarp Duration Five Hour Maximum (6 Hours cool down period) 

Rest-Onset Critical Momentum: 6.62 Seconds
Onset Critical Momentum-Warp Engage: 0.72 Seconds
Warp 1 - Warp 4: 0.62 Seconds
Warp 4 - Warp 6: 0.54 Seconds
Warp 6 - Warp 9.98: 3.96 Seconds

Primary Computer System M-16 Bio-Neural Gel Pack Isolinear III Processor w/ LCARS Interface Software
(Systems Contractor: Daystrom Computer Systems, Luna)

Navigational Systems
Primary  RAV/ISHAK Mod 3 Warp Celestial Guidance
(System Contractor: Tlixis Ramab RRB, Coridan III)
Secondary  Positronic Quantum Field Calculation Matrix
(System Contractor: LMJ Engineering, Vulcan)

Diplomatic Capability : Grade Five
20 x Ambassadorial quarters at 100 square metres each.
400 x Staff quarters at 15 - 25 square metres each
1 x 1,000 square metre conference hall complexes for 450 guests
20 x 90 square metre 25 seat briefing rooms
20 x Independant communications facilities
15% of all facilities, including interconnecting corridors, capable of supporting H, K, or L environments
Facilities for up to 50 members of the press

The Archangel's Shuttlecraft Compliment is as Follows.   The Archangel shuttle names are All derived from names from judeo-christian angelic persona

The Sovereign-class Main Shuttlebay is equipped with:
  • Four Type-8 Medium Short-Range Shuttlecraft
    • USS Michael
    • USS Raphael
    • USS Uriel
    • USS Ariel
  • Four Type-9 Medium Long-Range Shuttlecraft
    • USS Jeremiel
    • USS Jophiel
    • USS Metatron
    • USS Raziel   
  • USS Sandalphon - Type-11 Heavy Long-Range Shuttlecraft
  • USS Azrael - Delta Flyer Class Shuttle
  • USS Angelos - Argo Class Exploration Utility Shuttle
  • Four Work Bee-Type Maintenance Pods

The Sovereign-class Secondary Shuttlebay is equipped with:
  • 3 Valkyrie Class Assault Fighters
  • 3 Gryphon Class Space Superiority Fighters
  • 1 Work Bee-Type Maintenance Pod
  • 1 Shrike Class Interception Fighter

USS Gabriel - Captain's Yacht

Expected Hull Life : 100 Years
Refit Cycle : Minor : 1 year
Standard : 7 years
Major : 18 years
« Last Edit: March 20, 2019, 12:33:16 am by Darkthorne »

Offline Exusiai

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USS Archangel NCC-73601: Secondary Shuttle Bay Refit
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2009, 09:44:52 pm »
The Secondary Shuttle Bay IE Fighter Hanger or Flight Bay

The secondary shuttle bay takes up the majority of the Aft sections of decks 14-16.  This is the home for the Archangel's flight of fighter craft.  While ships like a Galaxy class are capable of carrying a full Fighter Wing.  Other ships are capable of carrying smaller units where as an Akira could carry two wings.

The Archangel is capable of carrying a Flight (6 fighters composed of three elements of 2) in it's Aft Shuttle bay.   It could be possible for her to carry two flights, but not an Entire Squadron, and with Carrying two flights it takes away from the ships Diplomatic and Exploratory nature 

Deck fourteen houses the Office of the "Commander Air Group".  This office is sparse compared to the Commanding Officer's or even the Executive Officer's.  It features a desk, and a small couch.  A short corridor outside the room is usually used as an access to and from the turbo shaft down to the flight deck, and the pilot's briefing room.

The Pilot Briefing room is connected to the CAG Office through a short corridor, which meets at a shared turboshaft. the briefing room has windows on the Aft wall which over look the shuttle deck and doors below.  The shape of the conference table matches the curvature of the exterior hull, and has seating and data pads for ten individuals. The CAG usually sits at the head of the table, on the port side. Two display screens are located at either side of the room, behind the table and adjacent to the doors. The briefing room has two replicator terminals.

The Secondary Shuttlebay is located at the very aft portion of the Engineering hull, a homage to the Constitution-class shuttlebay. This bay, while smaller than the primary shuttlebay, has been retrofitted to be the primary port for entrance and egress, as well the as management of the Archangel's flight of fighter craft. This bay (referred to as Fighter Bay or Hanger Bay) is maintained by the team of fighter pilots, engineers technicians, and operations personnel that are based on the flight operations office under the supervision of the CAG.

The flight decks two lifts can carry two fighters from the cavernous hangar bay to the flight deck in seconds. The flight deck crew can launch two fighters and land one every minute under optimum conditions, and launch one per two minutes under duress.

Launch maneuvers and landing approach piloting is managed by a number of precision short-range tractor beams emitters located within the bay and the bays exterior just outside the bay doors.  These emitters are computer controlled under the direction of the flight deck officer, permitting the safe maneuvering of the fighters within the bays, and the 350 meter approach zone.

Upon Launch the emitters act as a high powered catapult, accelerating the fighter from 0 to 321 KPH in two seconds. To land in the bay, incoming fighters moving at 241 kph are snared and engaged with four arresting emitters, stopping the fighter 9 meters within the hanger bay doors.

The Hanger bay exterior doors are triple layered compressible extruded duranium..  Inner doors are composed of lightweight neofoam sheeting in an expanded titanium frame work.  During active fighter operations, atmospheric integrity is maintained by an annular force field, which permits both doors to remain open to allow fighter ingress and egress without depressurizing the bay.

This annular force field has also been fitted with the same scanners as the transporter bio filter.  Normally used only on ingress to the ship, this field scans the incoming matter and looks for patterns corresponding to known dangerous bacterial or viral forms.  Upon detection of such patterns, the bio filter interacts with the ships transporter systems and excises these particles from the incoming fighter, thus eliminating the need for a decontamination suite.

The Flight Bay has it's own operations control booth, which is supervised by an on-duty flight deck officer.  The Fighter Flight Deck Officer is responsible for the operations within the flight bay, but must report to the CAG for launch and landing clearance.  In turn the CAG must seek clearance from the Operations Manager, or if under a tactical alert the Chief Tactical Officer on the main bridge.

The Archangel's Fighter compliment is stored, repaired, and maintained on deck sixteen.  The fighters are moved from the hanger bay to deck fifteen via one of two heavy lifts which again are capable of carrying two fighters from the cavernous hangar bay to the flight deck in seconds. when the lifts are not flush with deck fifteen, The lift opening on deck fifteen's floor is secured by blast doors.

Each fighter is housed in it's own individual, self contained storage unit known as a "rack". Each rack is a sectioned off portion of the bay reminiscent of 20th century earth cubicles made of 15cm thick sheets of transparent aluminum.  Each fighter's rack can  be personalized by the pilot assigned to that rack. Such personalization could include an equipment locker, tools, and other minor personal items.  Fighter Pilots are assigned quarters on board the Archangel and are not allowed to bunk in their rack.  There are a total of 8 racks on the hanger deck, 4 on the port (Gryphon) side, and 4 on the Starboard (Valkyrie) side. With only the transparent aluminum separating one rack from another.

Movement from the racks to the lifts is controlled by the same tractor emitter array as on the flight deck.  The causeway down the center line of the racks is large enough that any single fighter can be maneuvered and turned without the risk of contacting any of the ships superstructure.  this allows the fighters to be properly rotated for placement on the lifts.

Maintenance facilities include replacement parts sufficient for twelve months of of normal star ship operations.  This includes one replacement Gryphon and Valkyrie space frame (Stored in the fourth rack per side) which can be used for refurbishment of a severely damaged fighter.  The Maintenance bay includes all tools required for a pilot to repair, and even make slight "personalization" modifications to their fighter.

Note that replicator usage can allow for fabrication of any critical missing part, but large scale replication is not energy efficient except in emergency situations.  However, in such situations, power usage is usually strictly limited, so it is unwise to depend on the availability of replicated parts.  this is the reason that the Archangel must maintain a significant supply of spare parts in inventory at all times.

Offline Exusiai

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USS Archangel NCC-73601: Quantum Slipstream Drive
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2009, 12:32:26 pm »
The quantum slipstream drive is an advanced form of interstellar propulsion that achieved and exceeded what failed Federation attempts using transwarp were meant to do: exceed the warp speed barrier. Originally developed by an advanced species native to the Delta Quadrant, the technology was obtained by the USS Voyager in 2374 and used for an aborted test in early 2375 that nearly destroyed the ship.

The slipstream is a narrowly-focused, directed warp field that is initiated by manipulating the fabric of the space-time continuum at the quantum level. It works by focusing a quantum field through a deflector dish to generate massive changes in local space curvature; this creates a subspace tunnel, which is projected in front of the vessel. Once a ship has entered this tunnel, the forces inside propel it at incredible speed. In order to maintain the slipstream a ship has to constantly modify the quantum field with its deflector dish; however, the calculations involved were too complicated for Voyager's 24th century Starfleet technology, and the time available is too short before the vessel out-paces the tunnel, collapsing the slipstream.

Following Voyager's return to the Alpha Quadrant, the ship was remanded into the custody of "Project Full Circle".  Voyager underwent an extensive "retorfit" in order to return the ship to it's "Line Specifications" and all of the advanced technology was left in the hands of Full Circle.

Once the technology was handed over to Project Full Circle,
Project Director Lucas Jones; Commander, Starfleet began working on a way to implement this drive into active field ready ships.  When the Archangel was selected as the test bed for the QSD, it underwent a two month refit in order to reinforce the superstructure, navigational deflector, and the Structural Integrity Field.

The Federation Mark II Reverse Engineered Quantum Slipstream Drive is the first Alpha Quadrant attempt to replicate the technology. The drive is composed of two integrated units:
  • The Quantum Slipstream Core
And the,
  • Positronic Quantum Field Calculation Matrix


Located on Deck 18 directly behind the Navigational Deflector, and directly beneath the secondary computer core in the center line of the deck, the Quantum Slipstream Core is a chamber measuring 2.3 meters in height, and 2.5 meters in diameter.  It is constructed from fifteen layers of hafnium six excelion-infused carbonitrium, phase-transition  micro welded under a pressure of 75,000 kilo pascals.  The four outer layers are armored with acrossenite arkenide for 20x over pressure protection. 

The equatorial band of the chamber contains the housing for quantum singularity containment chamber (QSCC).  An armored hatch (facing Aft) allows access to the QSCC for replacement and adjustment of the singularity chamber.  The QSCC consists of a EM-Isolated subspace "cradle" to hold a forced artificial quantum singularity approximatly a centimeter is diameter.

Connecting the equatorial band to the upper and lower halves of the chamber are fifty structural pins.  These pins are hafnium eight molyferrenite and are reinforced in tension, compression, and torsion, and are continuous with the core's "personal" structural integrity field.  Running along the center of the equatorial band are two layers of difused neutronium for reaction energy containment.  Just above the QSCC hatch is the engraving

My name is

As a safety precaution, the core can be physically ejected from the ship should an event such as the catastrophic failure of the containment of the singularity reaction occur and the crew decides it cannot be corrected.

The slipstream can only be entered while traveling at impulse speeds.  As the quantum slipstream drive system undergoes start up, the four terrawatts of energetic plasma energy generated is directed towards the bow along the ships center line.  The power transfer conduit (PTC) is magnetically similar to the constrictor segments of a standard warp core, in that they constrain the plasma to the center of the of the channel and peristaltically force the plasma towards the primary navigational deflector, where the deflector utilizes the energy to generate the quantum field required for slipstream travel. Once a stable slipstream tunnel has been established, the PQFCM takes over the modulation of the field from helm, and power is routed from the primary warp drive to the Structural Integrity Field.


Integrated into the control interface of the chamber on the port side, the Positronic Quantum Field Calculation Matrix (PQFCM) is an extremely sophisticated computation device created by Commander Lucas Jones  based on the designs of Dr. Noonien Soong.  This matrix is not, nor does it have the ability to achieve artificial intelligence. The unit was built with an ultimate storage capacity of eight hundred quadrillion bits (approximately 90,949.5 terabytes or 88 petabytes) and a total linear computational speed rated at sixty trillion operations per second.  this unit is designed specifically for the calculation of and modulation of the Slipstream's quantum field.

Even with all the precautions and reinforcement to the ships SIF, deflector, and superstructure, the slipstream drive is still experimental. Even with these implementations, Quantum Slipstream Drive has, in all simulations, proved too much for Archangel's structural integrity to handle for extended periods of time longer than an hour, and requires a minimum of six hours between individual uses. this gives the Slipstream a 23.07 LY range per individual jump.

There are five input modes available for Quantum Slipstream drive.  Any of these options may be entered by keyboard or vocal command. Due to the possible difficulties of the system, implementation of the QSD requires authorization from the helm officer and either the Executive Officer or the Commanding Officer.  Input modes are as follows
  • Destination Planet or System: Any celestial object within the navigational database inside of the drives "jump range" is acceptable as a destination, although the system will inform the Conn in the event the destination exceeds the operating range of the drive.
  • Destination Sector: A sector identification number or sector common name is valid as a destination.  In the absence of a specific destination in that sector, the flight path will default to the geometric center of the specified sector.
  • Relative Bearing: A flight vector can be specified as an azimuth/elevation relative to the current orientation of the Archangel.  In such cases, 000-mark-0 represents a flight vector straight ahead.
  • Absolute Heading: A flight vector can also be specified as an azimuth/elevation relative to the center of the galaxy.  In such cases, 000-mark-0 represents a flight vector from the Archangel towards the center of the galaxy
  • Galactic coordinates:  Standard galactic XYZ coordinates are also acceptable as valid input, although most ships personnel find this cumbersome.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2009, 12:41:16 pm by Exusiai »